How can physiotherapy benefit my horse?
Achieve more; physiotherapy is key to equine performance and maintenance.
Physiotherapy is necessary for any horse, no matter the workload. Whether competing or retired, your horse can and will benefit.
What can physio do?
Improve performance
Correct performance issues
Improve suppleness
Reduce stiffness
Increasing comfort, mobility and welfare
Aid in injury prevention
Rehabilitation following injury or surgery (following a veterinary diagnosis)
Does my horse need physio?
Essentially your horse can have physio whenever there doesn't need to be a specific reason.
Performance issues such as, contact acceptance, inconsistent head carriage, reluctance to move forwards, straightness, core engagement, incorrect canter lead, knocking poles, refusing jumps, etc.
Bucking, rearing, unpredictable behaviour or change in behaviour.
Anxiousness, aggression, excessive spooking, reactive/over reactive to touch.
Reluctant to move forwards.
Tripping, stumbling, toe dragging.
Following lameness, diagnosed orthopaedic conditions (for example kissing spines).
Physio supports common issues.
Kissing spines
Tendon and ligament injuries such as suspensory and deep digital flexor tendon
Joint inflammation
Stifle instability
Upward fixating patella (common in young horses)
Bone bruising
Boney spurs
Sore musculature
So why book?
All of the above!
Physio can help all horses, whether they are young, old, competition horses or happy hackers for maintenance or injury prevention or recovery. Vet physios work alongside vets to aid in reducing pain, improving mobility and preventing injury or the recurrence of injury. Physiotherapy rebalances the body through manual and electro therapies, accompanied with a therapeutic/remedial exercise programs specifically designed for your horse.